Anti-freeze in your Toothpaste?

What toothpaste are you using? Ever care researching the ingredients in your toothpaste? If not, these are 7 of the most common ingredients:
Triclosan: An antibacterial and anti-fungal agent used in soaps, cleaning products, toothpaste, and many more.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): An inexpensive foaming agent. I believe that our teeth do NOT need foam to make our mouth's feel clean.
Artificial Sweeteners: In my previous blog, I wrote about artificial sweeteners and the deadly effect of many of these ingredients.
Fluoride: This ingredient helps prevent tooth decay; but with consequences?
Propylene Glycol: This ingredient is used in large quantities as part of the formula for anti-freeze (yeah, anti-freeze, the one that is used in cars). The FDA has allowed Propylene Glycol to be added in much smaller quantities to traditional toothpaste formulas. I haven't found a reason why they use it in toothpaste, other than it has a sweet taste to it. So, my feeling is they use it to make the toothpaste sweeter as if the artificial sweetener isn't enough.
Diethanolamine (DEA):  Used for making your toothpaste creamy and foamy. In other words, used as an emulsifier with no added benefits.
Microbeads: Miniature plastic-based beads that are used for exfoliating your teeth. Yes, plastic!
These ingredients are the main ones used in the most popular brands of toothpaste. There are other brands that have added more or less, but all consist of similar chemicals.
Yes, I know, it's hard to take in that fact we have been conned by major brands in believing their products are safe to use without any side affects, when in fact, the side affects WILL start showing their ugly face sooner or later. Are you prepared for this? Or, do you want to avoid this fact all-together?
I have been making my own toothpaste for the past 4 years using only 3 main ingredients; all which may be sitting in your pantry, if not, you can easily buy them at a supermarket. What are these ingredients?
     - Extra-virgin unrefined coconut oil
     - Baking soda (Arm & Hammer will work)
     - Stevia
You may also add a few drops of Tea Tree oil and Peppermint to make a more powerful toothpaste.
How do we know it's beneficial to our teeth and health? Do you know the tool, the 'pick' dentists use to measure the depth of your gums? The average person has a measurement of 4-6, which is a sign of unhealthy gums.
The measurement of 1-3 being a sign of very healthy gums. My family has averaged measurements between 2-3 during the last 3 year visits. Our dentist was so surprised that she had mentioned her average patient had a reading of 4-5, therefore, she asked what toothpaste we used? I candidly said: "it's homemade coconut oil toothpaste and other ingredients."
She was amazed, to the point where she and her staff started to tell their patients to swish or use coconut oil as a toothpaste! At the end of the visit, our dentist extended our 6 month check up to a yearly check up.
This was evidence enough for me that it works and that it does wonders for oral health. Our dentist gave us THUMBS UP to continue our dental care with the coconut oil. And so we have, and now, I want to share it with you.
It may take a little time to get used to a DIY toothpaste, because of the taste, the texture, and the convenience of buying it 'ready for use' at the store. However, I believe your body will love you for making the change.
Now, go and gather these ingredients:
(click on the link)
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Known to kill bacteria lurking in your mouth and helps to whiten your teeth.
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda: Used for exfoliation, removal of stains, and for whitening teeth.
Peppermint Essential Oil: Eliminates odor-causing bacteria. So, no bad breath.
If you don't have the time to make your own and want to buy one, make sure you read the ingredients first, even the ones that say "Natural" have stuff in them that will have side affects in the long run. As i always say, "Inform yourselves, you have everything to gain by learning What's In It".


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